Status of the Internet

I’ve been meaning to do this since the Comcast DNS issues a few weeks ago, but I’ve finally put together a quick page with links to the status pages of various web services and sites.  You can check the status of the Internet at  It’s a bit surprising how many sites don’t have obvious status pages.  It makes sense for popular sites to have a separate server for status information that users can find when they’re having problems.  I don’t have one for FunnelFiasco because this isn’t a popular site.  If I ever get popular, wake me up from my faint and I’ll stand a status page up.  If any of my dear readers know of sites that have status pages, send me a link or leave a comment and I’ll get it added.

I also had the chance to improve my CSS for FunnelFiasco while writing this.  Over the summer, I was able to find out how to get rid of tables for pictures.  Today, I mostly copied that implementation for “text tables”, or content where I use a table-like format for displaying the data, but don’t need the rigidity.  There are still a few things to work out, but I’m pretty happy with it so far.  Now to backport those changes into other pages.

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