systemd and SysV init scripts

Chris Siebenmann wrote earlier this week about how systemd’s support of System V init scripts results in unexpected and undesired behavior. Some init scripts include dependency information, which is an LSB standard that SysV init ignores. The end result is that scripts which have incomplete dependencies specified end up getting started too soon by systemd.

I commented that it’s unreasonable to hold systemd responsible for what is effectively a bug in the init script. If you’re going to provide information, provide complete information or don’t expect things to work right. Chris reasonably replied that many of the scripts that include such information are the result of what he called programming through “superstition and mythology.” Others may use the term “cargo cult programming.” Code reuse has both positive and negative aspects, and the slow spread of bad practices via copy/paste is clearly a negative in this case.

I understand that, and Chris makes a valid point. It’s neither realistic nor reasonable to expect everyone to study the specifications for everything they come across. Init scripts, due to their deceptive simplicity, are excellent candidates for “I’ll just copy what worked for me (or someone else), without checking to see if I’m doing something wrong.” But in my opinion, that doesn’t absolve the person who wrote the script from their responsibility if it breaks down the road.

To the user, of course, who is responsible is immaterial. I wholeheartedly agree that breaking things is bad, but avoiding the breakage needs to be the responsibility of the right people. It’s not reasonable for the systemd developers to test every init script out there in every possible combination in order to hit the condition Chris described.

As I see it, there were three options the systemd developers could have taken:

  1. No support for SysV init scripts
  2. Ignore dependency information in SysV init scripts
  3. Use the dependency information in SysV init scripts

Option 1 is clearly a non-starter. systemd adoption would probably never have occurred outside of a few niche cases (e.g. singe-purpose appliances) without supporting init scripts. The more vehement systemd detractors would prefer this option, but it would be self-defeating for the developers to choose it.

Option 2 is what Chris would have preferred. He correctly notes that it would have kept the init scripts with incomplete dependencies from starting too soon.

Option 3 is what the developers chose to implement. While it does, in effect, change the behavior of some init scripts in some conditions, it also allows systemd to properly order SysV init scripts with services defined by .service files.

The developers clearly considered the effects of respecting dependency information in init scripts and decided that the ability to order services and build a better dependency graph was more important than not allowing certain init scripts from starting too soon under certain conditions. Was that the right decision?

Chris and others think it is not. The developers thing it is. I’m a little on the fence to the extent that I don’t know which I’d choose were the decision up to me. If we had a real sense of how many SysV init scripts end up hitting this condition, that would help inform the decision. However, the developers chose option 3, and it’s hard for me to argue against that. Yes, it’s a change in behavior, and perhaps it’s “robot behavior”, but I have a hard time getting too mad at a computer for doing what I told it to do.

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